Government vs the Businessman

Government vs the Businessman

Alpine businessman Claud ‘Rick’ Koerber carries on… By Emiley Morgan Deseret News January 27 2010 12:00 a.m. MST Highland – It’s clear, just from the words he uses, that the line has been drawn in the sand. This is a battle. A fight. This is...
Entrepreneur Conference at BYU-Idaho

Entrepreneur Conference at BYU-Idaho

I had a great end to my week. I was privileged to be invited to speak at BYU Idaho’s annual Entrepreneur’s Conference. I was one of several entrepreneurs that had the opportunity to judge a few competitions, participate in a panel discussion, speak to a...
Who is Les McGuire?

Who is Les McGuire?

I remember hearing about Atlas Shrugged back in college, but for some reason I never decided to read it. Blank out (that’s for you objectivists). After going completely broke in 2001 I remember seeing my wife reading it and her encouraging me to read it.  I even...
What is the Free Capitalist Project?

What is the Free Capitalist Project?

I started a small print publication with some friends of mine several years ago, and we decided to call it the “Free Capitalist.”  After that, I started a radio show in 2004, where people started calling me “the Free Capitalist.”  The moniker...