Core Ideas: Prosperity Prime™

The particular cause of all Project members, also referred to as the ‘cause of all FreeCapitalists’ is—

To promote the revolution through rugged individualism and social strength based upon the universal principles of prosperity advocated by America’s founding generation, most commonly referenced in the Declaration of Independence and subsequently protected by the Constitution of the United States.

Those who are engaged in this effort fight for capitalism, not as a practical issue, not as an economic issue, but with the most righteous pride, as a moral issue.

Men and women who desire to pursue a principle-based path of personal prosperity beginning with self-reliance and economic independence are invited to join the Project. Individuals who have a desire to join the Project must be invited and sponsored by an existing member of the Project.

The FreeCapitalist Project subscribes to the same basic philosophical framework of the American Founders, described appropriately by Project founder C. Rick Koerber as, “the Prime Pattern of Prosperity.” Consistent with these fundamental ideas the Project outlines its basic philosophy and core principles in its proprietary teaching model called Prosperity Prime™ which has been designed to illustrate 42 of the Founders most important ideas related to freedom and prosperity.

The Prosperity Prime™ Model
1 – Choice
2 – Paradigms
3 – Core Values
5 – Pillars of Wealth
7 – Steps to Success
11 – Attributes of a Producer
13 – Ancient Principles of Prosperity

While the model is new, the forty-two ideas it represents are not. These ideas form the corpus of FreeCapitalist philosophy and are therefore central to the mission of the Project and the cause of all FreeCapitalists.