About Me


I am a freedom minded, capitalist entrepreneur dedicated to advancing the cause of liberty.  I enjoy sharing my philosophy and life experiences with others who may also be looking for hope – not just hope for a better “after life” but for life today!  I’ve learned that even in an abundance mentality there are plenty of life’s difficulties to go around.  Nevertheless, some things are worth fighting for.  Some adversities are required to help us focus our resolve, refine our values, and mark our life’s path.

In addition to this site, the following are some useful web based resources:

My Contact Information:

Claud R. Koerber
Capitalist, Entrepreneur
President & CEO, Franklin Squires
President, Free Capitalist Project
CEO, Producer Revolution

Wells Fargo Building
299 S Main Street – 13th Floor
Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Main:  801-534-4490
Alt: 801-938-8060
Washington DC: 202-657-6340
Toll Free: 888-406-6494
Fax: 801-504-8069